Monday, June 28, 2010

Plus Size Clothes – Size doesn’t matter!

Ever been inside one shop too many only to come out empty-handed? This happens a lot to the full-figured members of the population. It’s not that the shops have run out of stock for their sizes. The sad fact is that most of the mainstream clothing stores do not even HAVE plus sizes to begin with. Thankfully, there are Plus-Size shops and fashion labels to cater to that special demographic. Some popular fashion chains already have their own plus size labels. Forever 21 has Faith 21; Topshop has Evans; Marks & Spencer and Gap carry plus size clothes; and there are many other brands, both high and low, that have plus sizes.

The entertainment and modeling industry are also not too far behind in recognizing the plus-size population. Cycle 8 of America’s Next Top Model had a beautiful, full-figured winner – Whitney Cunningham. There’s Oscar-winning actress Kate Winslet, who is staunchly proud of her body size. One of the best voices in Glee is Amber Riley. They look fabulous in their plus size clothes!

All these examples show that dress size is not a determining factor when it comes to style, beauty, and talent. Though in many cases, waifs still rule (especially in fashion and entertainment), there are a lot of cases to show that being full-figured is not something to be insecure about, but rather something that shouldn’t even matter. Style, beauty, talent, and other positive attributes will always shine no matter in what the package it comes!

by leah forteza